Always-on strategy for quartz countertop
Caesarstone could not reach the desired level of website traffic and become the leaders in the North American market. Just as Kleenex is synonymous with tissue, Caesarstone was synonymous with quartz and wanted to be top-of-mind, distinguishable from its competitors and lead in the quartz countertop industry.
Caesarstone could not reach the desired level of website traffic and become the leaders in the North American market. Just as Kleenex is synonymous with tissue, Caesarstone was synonymous with quartz and wanted to be top-of-mind, distinguishable from its competitors and lead in the quartz countertop industry.
Community developed an always-on strategy to drive increased awareness around Caesarstone being the leader in the quartz countertop industry and to educate both B2B and B2C as to why they are the leaders. By doing this, Community was able to develop of funnel towards purchase for B2C visitors and get B2B customers to sign up for the monthly newsletters where we could continually educate them as to why Caesarstone is superior to its competitors.
Community developed an awareness and conversion-focused digital marketing strategy that included: search, display, programmatic, native, and retargeting to improve top funnel awareness and lower funnel conversion. Leveraging demographic data and layering in second and third-party affinity data, we were able to build consumer personas, which allowed us to target potential in-market customers based on their behaviour and interests. An always-on showroom/specialist campaign was also launched in to drive to showrooms.
A/B testing was a major aspect of the campaign’s success. Additionally, understanding audience behaviour in terms of their interests, the devices they’re using, and what they’re searching for was crucial to ensuring success in the digital space. With ongoing testing and daily optimizations against different elements of the campaigns Community was able to produce an award-winning campaign.
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increase in CTR
drop in average CPC
increase in conversions