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Reese (Year 2)

For the second year of the Reese #DoYouSpoon campaign, the goal was to build on buzz achieved in year one.


Now that consumers had been made aware of the brand in an unmissable way, it was time to demonstrate various usage occasions in order to entice trial and encourage purchase. In other words, we needed to show ’em how to spread.

Community leveraged its network of influential mommy and food bloggers to gain access to their large loyal following and showcase the versatility of Reese Spreads. After an extensive screening process to ensure we acquire the right bloggers for the brand, eight were selected to take part in the program. Each blogger was tasked to complete three recipes with photography and share the content on their social networks. The results were drool-worthy, and Reese Spreads continued to fly off the shelves.

million impressions across social media

exciting new and delicious recipes


thousand in earned media impressions


increase of content performance